
Friday, November 30, 2012

Bee Stitch in Two Colors

Sample knit with Debbie Bliss Amalfi on US Size 7 needles

This is just like single color Bee Stitch, except you will use a second color.  Very easy!

K1B is knit into the stitch below.  You may need to pull gently on your fabric to get into the stitch below - take a look at the next stitch on your left needle.  Then look right below it, and you will see the stitch below.  This is what you want to knit into.

Multiple of 2 + 1

Cast on with A
Knit two foundation rows.  This is the only time you will work these two rows.  After the foundation rows have been knit with color A, you will switch to your second color and begin the pattern as below.

Begin pattern:
Row 1: (B) K1 *K1B, K1*
Row 2: (B) Knit
Row 3: (A) K2, K1B *K1, K1B* end with K2
Row 4: (A) Knit

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Belgian Lace - Vintage Stitch Series

Sample knit with Patons Lace on US Size 6 needles

This is another of the beautiful, vintage edgings from an old newspaper.  I forgot to write down the date of the paper, but I do know it is from the New York Tribune, from the late 1800's.

This pattern contains double yarn overs, and on the rows following you will work each wrap as a separate stitch.  The first wrap is knit and the second wrap is purled.

Cast on 11

Row 1: K3, YO, K2tog, K1, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 2: K3, P1, K2, P1, K3, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 3: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 4: K3, P1, K2, P1, K5, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 5: K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 6: K3, P1, K2, P1, K7, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 7: K3, YO, K2tog, K12
Row 8: BO 6, K7, YO, K2tog, K1

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Two Color Granite Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US Size 6 needles
I do not like colorwork, and rarely do it, except for the occasional stitch video.  This is a pretty stitch, and easy even for me.  You don't have to worry about carrying the color not in use, because it is picked up again on the return row of the color in use.  Does that make sense? :0)

yfwd = bring the yarn to the front of the work
ybk = take yarn to the back of the work
Sl = slip (as if to purl)

Multiple of 2 +1

Cast on using A

Row 1 (RS): Using A - Knit
Row 2: Using B - *K1, Sl 1*, end with K1
Row 3: Using B - *K1, yfwd, Sl 1, ybk*, end with K1
Rows 4 and 5: Using A - Knit
Row 6: Using B - K1 *K1, Sl 1*, end K2
Row 7: Using B - K2 *yfwd, Sl 1, ybk, K1*, end K1
Row 8: Using A - Knit

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting and Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Honeycomb Brioche

Sample knit with Cascade Cash Vero on US Size 6 Needles

I added an edge stitch on each side of my fabric that I knit on every row.  This makes the rows that begin by working into the stitch below easier.  I also knit a plain row before beginning the stitch pattern, because the first row of the stitch is next to impossible to work otherwise.  It was for me, anyhow.

K1B is knit into the stitch below.  
Knitting into the stitch below creates a strand or loop that is knit together with the stitch on the left needle on the following rows.  It can be a little tricky picking up this strand or loop, but if you turn the work slightly towards you, it is a bit easier to see.  The strand you want is the one running diagonally between the stitch just knit and the next one on the left needle.  Sounds confusing, I know!  I tried to go slow and show this as best I could in the video.

Multiple of 2

Row 1 (RS): *K1, K1B*
Row 2: *Knit the next stitch on the left needle together with the strand or loop created by working into the stitch below on the previous row, K1*
Row 3: *K1B, K1*
Row 4: *K1, Knit the next stitch and strand or loop as in Row 2*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Slip Stitch Lace

Sample knit with Cascade Cash Vero on US Size 10 needles

My swatch had pretty sloppy/curling edges, so depending on what you use the stitch for, you may want to consider adding a border to neaten things up and help this fabric lay flat.

Multiple of 4 +1

Row 1 (RS): Knit
Row 2: *P4, YO*, end with P1
Row 3: K1 *drop YO from previous row, YO, Sl 1, K3, PSSO*
Row 4: Purl

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy knitting, and enjoy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cluster Rib

Sample knit with Rowan Colourspun on US Size 6 needles

This stitch makes a nice flat fabric with a reverse side that is also nice.

Multiple of 3+1

Row 1: (RS) P1 *K2, P1*
Row 2: K1 *YO, K2, Pass YO over the 2 knit sts, K1*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!