
Friday, May 31, 2013

Raisin Stitch

This stitch may be a little tricky at first, but with practice it is really easy.

Worked on any odd number of stitches

Rows 1 and 3 (WS): Purl
Row 2: *K2, (YO, pull last stitch over the YO) four times.  Repeat from *, end K1
Row 4: K1, then repeat from * as in Row 2 to last 2 stitches, K2

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cell Stitch

This has a bit of curl to it, so you may want to consider adding a border

Multiple of 3

Rows 1 and 3 (WS): Purl
Row 2: K2 *K2tog, YO, K1*, end K1
Row 4: K2 *YO, K1, K2tog*, end K1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern

Happy Knitting!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Two Color Star Stitch

Sample knit with Caron Simply Soft on US Size 6 needles

Multiple of 3

Cast on using whichever color you prefer

Row 1 (WS): With Color A - Purl
Row 2: With Color A - K2 *YO, K3, Pass the first of the 3 knits over the second and third* Repeat from *, end K1
Row 3: With Color B - Purl
Row 4: With Color B - K1 *K3, Pass the first of the 3 knits over the second and third, YO* Repeat from *, end K2

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Yarn Over Cable

Sample knit with Lily Sugar'n Cream Cotton on US Size 8 needles

Like cables, but don't want to actually knit cables?  You might like this stitch then!

*Stitches are slipped purlwise with yarn held in the back
*Stitch count varies and does not remain constant with each row

Multiple of 5 + 2

Row 1 (RS): P2 *Sl 1, K2, PSSO the 2 knit sts, P2*
Row 2: K2 *P1, YO, P1, K2*
Row 3: P2 *K3, P2*
Row 4: K2 *P3, K2*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Woven Stitch

Sample knit with Rowan Kid Classic on US Size 8

Any even number of stitches

Rows 1 and 3: (WS)  Purl
Row 2: K1 *Sl 1 wyif, K1* Repeat from * to end, K1
Row 4: K1 *K1, Sl 1 wyif* Repeat from * to end, K1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern