
Friday, April 25, 2014

Twisted Ladder Stitch

Sample knit with Sapphires-n-Purls Merino Dream yarn on Lantern Moon Ebony needles, US #5

This stitch comes from one of several Japanese stitch dictionaries I have.  If you are an adventurous knitter or crocheter, I highly recommend getting at least one Japanese stitch dictionary; you may find some familiar stitches, but the majority are not to be found in the stitch dictionaries you may already have, like Vogue or the Walker Treasuries.   All of the Japanese books are charted, and the symbols are standardized.  Each book has illustrations showing how each of the stitches are worked.   If you Google Japanese knitting or Japanese knitting stitches, etc. you will find some blogs and videos to help you along.

Most of the Japanese stitches are lengthy, however this one is just two rows.  You will also be dealing with double yarn overs here.  In Row 1, make a double yarn over; on Row 2, you will purl the first loop, slip it from the needle, then knit through the back leg of the second loop and slip it from the needle.  Not hard, but may take a bit of practice.  You may find a pointy needle helpful in getting through the back loop of the second yarn over.

Multiple of 4

Row 1: *skpo, yo(2), k2tog
Row 2: *p1, p first loop of double yo, kbl of second loop of double yo, p

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Feather Lace

Multiple of 4

All Rows: k1, yo, p2tog, k1

Repeat this row for pattern

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wrapped Rib

Sample knit with Sapphires-n-Purls Merino Worsted Superwash on US Size #8 needles

Multiple of 8 + 4

You will also need a cable needle or DPN to make the wraps

Row 1: *k4, slip next 4 sts to cable needle.  Wrap working yarn clockwise around sts, then slip sts to right needle*  Repeat from * to last 4 sts, k4

Row 2: *p4, k4

Row 3: *k4, p4

Row 4*p4, k4

Repeat these four rows for pattern

Happy Knitting!