
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Block Rib Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn, US 6 needles

Unblocked - this stitch tends to curl as it is stocking stitch based.  Blocking will help tame the curl along with adding a border, depending on how you plan to use the stitch.

Multiple of 5 + 3

Rows 1 & 3: knit
Rows 2 & 4: purl
Rows 5 & 7: *k3, p2, repeat from * end with k3
Rows 6 & 8: *p3, k2, repeat from *, end with p3

Repeat these 8 rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Crossed Cardigan Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight cotton, US 8 needles

Multiple of 3 + 2
(Slipped stitch is to be slipped purlwise)

Row 1: k1 *yo, sl 1, k2tog; rep from *, end k1

Repeat this row for pattern. 

Happy Knitting!