
Friday, January 28, 2022

Lacy Openwork


Sample knit with fingering weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 4+1

Row 1: k1 *yo, p3tog, yo, k1

Row 2: p2tog, yo, k1, yo *p3tog, yo, k1, yo; repeat from *, end p2tog

Here is a video for P3tog and an easy alternative.

Happy Knitting!

P3tog Double Decrease Two Ways


P3tog is used in some of my stitch videos, so I thought I'd share a separate video of how to work this right leaning double decrease, along with an easy alternative.

P3tog (purl three together) is a double decrease that presents as right leaning on the right side of the work.  It can be a bit fiddly getting your needle into three stitches at once; needles with a pointy tip can be helpful, as can using a yarn made from fiber that has elasticity (wool).  Scooting the stitches near the tip of the needle can also help.

An easy alternative is to slip two stitches purlwise to the right needle, purl the next stitch, then pass the two slipped stitches over the purl stitch.

Friday, January 14, 2022


Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 5

Row 1 (ws): *k1, p3, k1

Row 2: *p1, k3, yo, p1

Row 3: *k1, p4, k1

Row 4: *p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1

Row 5: *k1, p2, p2tog, k1

Row 6: *p1, k1, yo, k2tog, p1

Repeat these six rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!