
Sunday, May 8, 2022

False Knot Stitch


Sample knit with DK yarn on US 8 needles

There is some curl since this is worked on a background of reverse stocking stitch. You may want to consider adding a border depending on how you plan to use the stitch.

Multiple of 10 + 3

Row 1: p4 *k5, p5; rep from *, end p4

Rows 2 and 4: k4 *p5, k5; rep from *, end k4

Row 3: p3 *p next st and leave on left needle, kbl of same st and drop from needle, k1, p3tog, kfb next st, p4

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Little Leaves Stitch


Sample knit with DK yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 5 + 2

To make leaf: working into stitch four rows below third stitch on left needle, draw up a loop and place on left needle; yo on right needle; into same stitch as before, draw up a second loop and place on left needle; yo on right needle; into same stitch as before, draw up a third loop and place on left needle, then knit the three loops and next stitch on left needle together through the back loop; pass the two yarn over loops over the stitch just worked.  Leaf is now complete.

Rows 1 and 3: knit

Row 2 and all Even Rows: purl

Row 5: k2 *make leaf, k4; rep from * to end

Don't forget Row 6 - purl

Repeat these six rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, April 22, 2022

Openwork Checkerboard Stitch


Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 6

Row 1: *k3, p3

Row 2 and all even rows: knit the knits and purl the purls, purl the yarn overs

Row 3: *k1, yo, k2tog, p3

Row 5: *p3, k3

Row 7: *p3, k1, yo, k2tog

Don't forget Row 8 - knit the knits, purl the purls and purl the yarn overs

Repeat these 8 rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

2 Color Loop Stitch


Sample knit with DK yarn, US 8 needles

In my sample above, after my last repeat of the pattern, I worked Rows 1 and 2 once more, then worked the bind off so that the cast on and bind off edges match.

If you want the cast off edge worked in the second color, bind off after Row 6.  In the picture below, I've finished working Row 6 and would bind off at this point if I wanted the cast on and bind off edges to be different.

All slipped stitches are slipped purlwise, yarn in back

Multiple of 2 + 1

Row 1 (rs), Color A: knit

Row 2, Color A: purl

Row 3, Color B: k1 *sl 1, k1; rep from *

Row 4, Color B: k1 *sl 1, k1; rep from *

Row 5, Color B: knit

Row 6, Color B: purl

Row 7, Color A: k2, sl 1 *k1, sl 1; rep from * to last 2 sts, end k2

Row 8, Color A: p1, k1 *sl 1, k1; rep from * to last st, end p1

Repeat these 8 rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Vertical Dash Stitch


Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 8 needles

This stitch has some curl along the sides, which are also a bit sloppy.  You may want to consider adding a border to neaten things up depending on how you plan to use the stitch.

Multiple of 6 + 1

Rows 1 & 3 (rs): p3, k1 *p5, k1; rep from * to last 3 sts, p3

Rows 2 & 4: k3, p1 *k5, p1; rep from * to last 3 sts, k3

Rows 5 & 7: k1 *p5, k1; rep from *

Rows 6 & 8: p1 *k5, p1; rep from *

Repeat these 8 rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Vertical Openwork Stitch

Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 6 + 2

Row 1 (rs): *p2, k2tog, yo, k2; rep from *, end p2

Row 2: k2 *p2tog, yo, p2, k2; rep from *

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!


Friday, March 25, 2022

Imitation Embroidery Stitch


Sample knit with DK yarn on US 6 needles

The back of the stitch looks pretty neat too

Multiple of 3 + 2

Row 1 (rs): *p2, yo, k1, yo; rep from *, end p2

Row 2: k2 *p3, k2; rep from *

Row 3: *p2, k3; rep from *, end p2

Row 4: k2 *p3tog, k2; rep from *

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Moire Stitch


Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US 7 needles

Depending on how you plan to use the stitch, you may want to consider adding a few extra stitches for a border to neaten up the edges, and make it easier to work the sl 1-k1-yo-psso at the beginning and end of Rows 1 and 3.

Slipped stitches are slipped purlwise.  Pattern begins on right side.

Multiple of 2

Rows 1 and 3: *sl 1, k1, yo, psso both the k1 and yo

Rows 2, 4 and 6: purl all stitches

Row 5: knit all stitches

Repeat these six rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Comma Stitch


Sample knit with DK weight yarn, US 6 needles

Multiple of 4 + 1

Row 1 (rs): knit all sts

Row 2: purl all sts

Row 3: *k4, slip 3 sts back to left needle, insert right needle into gap between third and fourth sts on left needle and draw through a loop, then slip 3 sts back to right needle; rep from *, end k1

Row 4: *p3, p2tog; rep from *, end p1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Happy knitting!

Friday, March 4, 2022

Cell Stitch


Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 2 + 1

To draw up a loop: insert right needle between the next two stitches on the left needle, wrap working yarn around needle and pull through, leaving the next two stitches on left needle

Row 1 (rs): k1 *draw up a loop, k2

Row 2: p1 *p1, p2tog

Row 3: k2 *draw up a loop, k2; rep from *, end k1

Row 4: p2 *p1, p2tog; rep from *, end p1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Hunter's Stitch


Depending on how you plan to use this stitch, you may want to add a border to help keep the fabric flat; since the sides are stocking stitch, there is curling.  Also, knit a row before beginning the stitch pattern if you are aren't incorporating this stitch into a project where there are already stitches in the row below to work into.  Since you are working into the stitch below right from the first row, you need a stitch to work into.

Multiple of 11 + 4

Row 1 (rs): *p4, (k1b, p1)x3, k1b; rep from *, end p4

Row 2: k4 *p1, (k1b, p1)x3, k4; rep from *

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Slip Stitch Texture


Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 6 needles

Multiple of 4 + 2

Row 1 (rs): k3 *sl-2-wyif, k2; rep. from *, end k1

Row 2: p3 *k2, p2; rep. from *, end p1

Row 3: k1 *sl-2-wyif, k2; rep. from *, end k3

Row 4: p1 *k2, p2; rep. from *, end p3

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

You may wish to add a border or an extra stitch for a slipped stitch edge to neaten the edges up, depending on how you plan to use this stitch patter.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, February 11, 2022

Column of Flowers Stitch


Sample knit with worsted weight on US 6 needles

You may want to consider adding a border to neaten up the edges on this stitch pattern, depending on how you plan to use the stitch.

Multiple of 6 + 5

Rows 1 and 3 (rs): *p5, sl 1 wyib; rep. from *, end p5

Rows 2, 4 and 6: *k5, p1; rep. from *, end k5

Row 5: *p2tog, insert right needle into stitch four rows below next stitch on left needle and draw up a loop, k1, insert right needle into same stitch as before and draw up another loop, p2tog, sl 1 wyib; rep. from *, end p2tog, draw up a loop as before, k1, draw up a loop as before, p2tog

Repeat these 6 rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Razor Shell Variation


Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US 6 needles

Multiple of 8 + 1

Row 1 (ws): purl

Row 2: k1 *yo, k2, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k1; rep from *

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.

You may notice in the video that for the first sl 1-k2tog-psso, I slipped the stitch knitwise, and in the two subsequent repeats, I slipped it purlwise.  As you can see from the picture of the sample, there really isn't a difference in appearance based on how the stitch was slipped.  Slip the stitch however you prefer for this stitch pattern.  Generally, if a pattern does not state which way to slip, you should slip purlwise.  When a stitch is slipped purlwise, the stitch doesn't change - meaning the orientation of the stitch remains the same.  Slipping knitwise twists the stitch so that the left leg of the stitch is in front of the needle. 

Happy Knitting!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Lacy Openwork


Sample knit with fingering weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 4+1

Row 1: k1 *yo, p3tog, yo, k1

Row 2: p2tog, yo, k1, yo *p3tog, yo, k1, yo; repeat from *, end p2tog

Here is a video for P3tog and an easy alternative.

Happy Knitting!

P3tog Double Decrease Two Ways


P3tog is used in some of my stitch videos, so I thought I'd share a separate video of how to work this right leaning double decrease, along with an easy alternative.

P3tog (purl three together) is a double decrease that presents as right leaning on the right side of the work.  It can be a bit fiddly getting your needle into three stitches at once; needles with a pointy tip can be helpful, as can using a yarn made from fiber that has elasticity (wool).  Scooting the stitches near the tip of the needle can also help.

An easy alternative is to slip two stitches purlwise to the right needle, purl the next stitch, then pass the two slipped stitches over the purl stitch.

Friday, January 14, 2022


Sample knit with DK weight yarn on US 8 needles

Multiple of 5

Row 1 (ws): *k1, p3, k1

Row 2: *p1, k3, yo, p1

Row 3: *k1, p4, k1

Row 4: *p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, p1

Row 5: *k1, p2, p2tog, k1

Row 6: *p1, k1, yo, k2tog, p1

Repeat these six rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!