Monday, December 31, 2012

Moss Stitch, Double Moss Stitch, Seed Stitch, Double Seed Stitch

This stitch is a hot topic.  Some use it interchangeably, others will argue til they are blue in the face that they are not interchangeable.    Some say the difference is terminology is just whether it is used in the US or UK.   You can find identical instructions in one book as one name, but another name in a different book.  The purpose of this post is not to determine a correct name or settle the debate one way or another.  I am just presenting different variations on some lovely needle work.

Honestly, I do not know the correct name and corresponding method, if there is one.  I also really don't care.  What I know as Seed Stitch - K1, P1 on every row - is what I often use as a border to keep fabrics laying flat, or just for a neat edge.

Below, I have given the instructions and names given them by five different stitch dictionaries.  I have several other books, but I didn't look through those because I am sure they are all the same or similar as what I show here.  Call them what you will.

From the Essential Stitch Collection:

Seed Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Repeat for pattern
Fiber created using the above pattern

Moss Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: K1, P1
Fiber created using the above pattern

From Super Stitches Knitting:

Moss Stitch:
Multiple of 2

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: K1, P1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: P1, K1
Fiber created using the above pattern


Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: K1, P1

From The Harmony Guides Knit and Purl:

Double Moss Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: K1, P1

Moss Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Repeat for pattern

From The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knit and Crochet Stitches:

Seed Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Repeat for pattern

Moss Stitch:
Multiple of 2+1

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: K1, P1

From the First Walker Treasury:

Seed Stitch:
Even number of sts

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: P1, K1
Fiber created using the above pattern

Moss Stitch:
Even number of sts

Row 1: K1, P1
Row 2: K1, P1
Row 3: P1, K1
Row 4: P1, K1

Double Seed Stitch
Multiple of 4

Row 1: K2, P2
Row 2: K2, P2
Row 3: P2, K2
Row 4: P2, K2
Fiber created using the above pattern

Here is a video showing all of these variations.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ornamental Stitch

Sample knit with Knit Picks Chroma Worsted on US Size 7 needles

This is an easy stitch, but you may find a crochet hook useful in pulling up the loops on the flower, or daisy.  This is a stocking stitch fabric and curls, so you may want to add some extra stitches for a border to help it lay flat.

To make the daisy:
Insert right needle into the third stitch down from the second stitch on left needle.  Draw up a loop, K2, draw up another loop from same stitch as before, K2, and draw one more loop through that same stitch.

Multiple of 10 + 8

Rows 1, 3, 5: Knit
Rows 2, 4, 6: Purl
Row 7: K2, Make daisy *K6, make daisy * repeat to last 2 sts, K2
Row 8: P2 *(P2tog, P1) twice, P2tog, P5* repeat to last 9 sts, (P2tog, P1) three times
Rows 9, 11, 13: Knit
Rows 10, 12, 14: Purl
Row 15: K7 *make daisy, K6* repeat to last st, K1
Row 16: P2 *P5, (P2tog, P1) twice, P2tog* repeat to last 6 sts, P6

Repeat these 16 rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  I am only showing Rows 7 and 8, since most of this is stocking stitch.  Rows 15 and 16 are basically the same as those shown in the video, just off-set a bit.

Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Indian Cross Stitch

Sample knit with Cascade 220 on US Size 8 needles

This is easier to do than it looks, I promise.  It might feel awkward at first, but with practice you will be able to do this in no time.  Practice and patience.

Multiple of 8 stitches

Rows 1-4: Knit 

Rows 5 and 11: K1 *Insert needle into next stitch, wrapping yarn 4 times before pulling the yarn through* Knit last stitch

Row 6: *Slip 8 stitches, dropping the extra wraps as you do so.  Be sure the yarn is held to the back of the work when slipping.  Insert left needle into the first four slipped stitches, and pass them over the last four stitches and onto the left needle.  Now, slip the other four stitches to the left needle.  Knit these eight stitches. *

Rows 7-10: Knit

Row 12: (To be worked as in Row 6 ) Slip 4 stitches to right needle, dropping extra wraps.  Cross first two stitches over the last two, placing them on the left needle; place last two stitches on left needle and knit all four stitches. *Slip eight, cross four, placing all stitches back on left needle and knit* Slip 4, cross two, knit last four stitches.

Repeat these 12 rows for the pattern.  Here is the video.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bead Stitch

Sample knit with Rowan Kid Classic
on US size 8 needles

I love this stitch!

I always encourage knitters, both new and old, to step outside their comfort zone.  This is one of those stitches.  It is challenging, but I wouldn't say hard.  A bit tricky, yes.  Hard, no.

Truly, it is not hard, but may take a little practice and extra effort if you aren't familiar with some of the steps.  The one that might cause the most trouble is the purl 2 together through the back loop.  If you can purl one through the back loop, you can do two. I have a separate video for that HERE, if you have never done it before.   The other tricky bit is purling 3 together.  If you can purl, you can purl two together,  and if you can purl two together, you can do three!  If you find it hard because you are a tight knitter, loosening up on the row prior will help, as will using a pointy tip needle.

Special Abbreviations in this stitch:

P2tog tbl = purl the next two stitches together through the back loop.
P3tog = purl the next three stitches together as if they were one
PSSO = pass the slipped stitch over the stitch just knit
Sl = slip the next stitch to the right needle without working it

Multiple of 7

Row 1 (RS): K1, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO *K2, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO*, Knit last stitch

Row 2: *P2tog tbl, YO, P3, YO, P2tog,*

Row 3: K1, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2tog, YO *K2, YO, Sl 1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2tog, YO *, Knit last stitch

Row 4: P2, YO, P3tog, YO *P4, YO, P3tog, YO*, Purl last 2 stitches

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Happy Knitting!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Herringbone Lace Rib

Sample knit with Malabrigo Worsted on US Size 8 needles

Multiple of 7 + 1

Row 1: (RS) K1 *P1, K1, YO, P2tog, K1, P1, K1*
Row 2: P1 *K2, YO, P2tog, K2, P1*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern

Friday, November 30, 2012

Bee Stitch in Two Colors

Sample knit with Debbie Bliss Amalfi on US Size 7 needles

This is just like single color Bee Stitch, except you will use a second color.  Very easy!

K1B is knit into the stitch below.  You may need to pull gently on your fabric to get into the stitch below - take a look at the next stitch on your left needle.  Then look right below it, and you will see the stitch below.  This is what you want to knit into.

Multiple of 2 + 1

Cast on with A
Knit two foundation rows.  This is the only time you will work these two rows.  After the foundation rows have been knit with color A, you will switch to your second color and begin the pattern as below.

Begin pattern:
Row 1: (B) K1 *K1B, K1*
Row 2: (B) Knit
Row 3: (A) K2, K1B *K1, K1B* end with K2
Row 4: (A) Knit

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Belgian Lace - Vintage Stitch Series

Sample knit with Patons Lace on US Size 6 needles

This is another of the beautiful, vintage edgings from an old newspaper.  I forgot to write down the date of the paper, but I do know it is from the New York Tribune, from the late 1800's.

This pattern contains double yarn overs, and on the rows following you will work each wrap as a separate stitch.  The first wrap is knit and the second wrap is purled.

Cast on 11

Row 1: K3, YO, K2tog, K1, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 2: K3, P1, K2, P1, K3, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 3: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 4: K3, P1, K2, P1, K5, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 5: K3, YO, K2tog, K5, YO(2), K2tog, YO(2), K2tog, K1
Row 6: K3, P1, K2, P1, K7, YO, K2tog, K1
Row 7: K3, YO, K2tog, K12
Row 8: BO 6, K7, YO, K2tog, K1

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Two Color Granite Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US Size 6 needles
I do not like colorwork, and rarely do it, except for the occasional stitch video.  This is a pretty stitch, and easy even for me.  You don't have to worry about carrying the color not in use, because it is picked up again on the return row of the color in use.  Does that make sense? :0)

yfwd = bring the yarn to the front of the work
ybk = take yarn to the back of the work
Sl = slip (as if to purl)

Multiple of 2 +1

Cast on using A

Row 1 (RS): Using A - Knit
Row 2: Using B - *K1, Sl 1*, end with K1
Row 3: Using B - *K1, yfwd, Sl 1, ybk*, end with K1
Rows 4 and 5: Using A - Knit
Row 6: Using B - K1 *K1, Sl 1*, end K2
Row 7: Using B - K2 *yfwd, Sl 1, ybk, K1*, end K1
Row 8: Using A - Knit

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting and Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Honeycomb Brioche

Sample knit with Cascade Cash Vero on US Size 6 Needles

I added an edge stitch on each side of my fabric that I knit on every row.  This makes the rows that begin by working into the stitch below easier.  I also knit a plain row before beginning the stitch pattern, because the first row of the stitch is next to impossible to work otherwise.  It was for me, anyhow.

K1B is knit into the stitch below.  
Knitting into the stitch below creates a strand or loop that is knit together with the stitch on the left needle on the following rows.  It can be a little tricky picking up this strand or loop, but if you turn the work slightly towards you, it is a bit easier to see.  The strand you want is the one running diagonally between the stitch just knit and the next one on the left needle.  Sounds confusing, I know!  I tried to go slow and show this as best I could in the video.

Multiple of 2

Row 1 (RS): *K1, K1B*
Row 2: *Knit the next stitch on the left needle together with the strand or loop created by working into the stitch below on the previous row, K1*
Row 3: *K1B, K1*
Row 4: *K1, Knit the next stitch and strand or loop as in Row 2*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Slip Stitch Lace

Sample knit with Cascade Cash Vero on US Size 10 needles

My swatch had pretty sloppy/curling edges, so depending on what you use the stitch for, you may want to consider adding a border to neaten things up and help this fabric lay flat.

Multiple of 4 +1

Row 1 (RS): Knit
Row 2: *P4, YO*, end with P1
Row 3: K1 *drop YO from previous row, YO, Sl 1, K3, PSSO*
Row 4: Purl

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy knitting, and enjoy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cluster Rib

Sample knit with Rowan Colourspun on US Size 6 needles

This stitch makes a nice flat fabric with a reverse side that is also nice.

Multiple of 3+1

Row 1: (RS) P1 *K2, P1*
Row 2: K1 *YO, K2, Pass YO over the 2 knit sts, K1*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Risotto Stitch

Sample knit with Rowan Cocoon, US Size 7 needles
I love this stitch!  The yarn I used for the sample made a bit of a dense fabric, but I wonder how this would work on a lighter weight yarn.  I might play around with this and see how it looks in some fingering weight yarn - namely, the Swans Island that I got recently!  Maybe for a spring wrap or shawl.  I did find this stitch to be a bit labor intensive on the hands, so my project might be a shawlette instead of a full sized shawl.  

For the most part, you will be working with two stitches at a time.  You will be purling them together, then knitting the same two stitches together before dropping them from the left needle.  Don't worry, it isn't hard to do!  If you've never worked stitches this way before, it may take a little practice to get it down.

Multiple of 2

Rows 1, 3, 5: (RS) Knit
Row 2: *P2tog, leaving sts on left needle, move yarn to back, K same 2 sts together*
Row 4: P1 *P2tog, leaving sts on left needle, move yarn to back and K same 2 sts together* repeat from * to last st, P1

Repeat from Row 2 for pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!


Double Moss Stitch

Sample knit with Classic Elite Moorland,  US Size 7 needles

Quick and Easy stitch, makes a pretty fabric that is reversible.  

Multiple of 4 + 2

Row 1 and 4: *K2, P2* row should end with a K2
Row 2 and 3: *P2, K2* row should end with a P2

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting and Enjoy!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chevron Seed Stitch

Sample knit with Debbie Bliss Amalfi on US Size 7 needles

Multiple of 8 stitches

Row 1: (RS) *P1, K3*
Row 2: *K1, P5, K1, P1*
Row 3: *K2, P1, K3, P1, K1*
Row 4: *P2, K1, P1, K1, P3*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Confetti Stitch

Sample knit with Red Heart Worsted Weight on Kollage Squares, US Size 7

Multiple of 4+2

Row 1: K1 *YO, K1, YO, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO* K1
Rows 2 and 4: Purl all stitches
Row 3: K1 *SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, YO, K1, YO* K1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.  The edges are not so neat, you may want to add a border.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Elongated Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US Size 11 Knitter's Pride Cubics

This has to be one of the easiest stitches around.  All you have to do is knit and make yarn overs.  It can be done on any yarn with any needle, on any number of stitches.

Cast on any number of stitches

Knit as many plain rows of garter stitch you like.
On the next row, wrap the yarn around the needle twice, three times, etc.  The more wraps you do, the longer your dropped stitches will be.  The fewer wraps, the shorter they will be.
Knit the next row, dropping all of the extra wraps.

Repeat.  Simple!

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Raspberry Stitch - Trinity Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US Size 11 needles, Knitter's Pride Cubics

I first did a video on this stitch back in 2009 with my old digital camera.  Since then, it has had over 2 million views.  Yes, two million!  I only demonstrated the k/p/k and p3tog parts of the stitch.

This is also the same as Trinity Stitch, which you will find in several stitch pattern books.  Barbara Walker's First Treasury omits the +2 from the pattern, though.

This new video is HD, and shows the entire stitch.

Multiple of 4 + 2

Rows 1 and 3: Purl all stitches
Row 2: K1 *(K1, P1, K1) into next stitch, P3tog* K1
Row 4: K1 *P3tog, (K1, P1, K1) into next stitch* K1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cables and Eyelets Stitch

Sample knit with Butterfly Cotton, US Size 5 addi Clicks

This stitch is my 'unvention'!  I was playing around this morning, and this appeared on my needles.  So I thought I would use it as the stitch for this week.  It is very easy to knit, and you can do it with or without a cable needle.  The cables are only 4 stitches, so I didn't bother with a cable needle.  If anyone has seen this in a book, magazine, or elsewhere, feel free to let me know.  I am sure someone at some point in knitting history has done this before :0)

This is a ten stitch pattern worked over eight rows.

For my sample, I worked with a total of twenty stitches - five extra on each side.  Two of those are knit edge stitches, and three are used for the reverse stockinette background.  You can use as many stitches as you like for the reverse stockinette background and edge stitches.

To make the right slanting cable:
Slip next two stitches to cable needle and hold in back of the work. Knit two from left needle, then knit two from cable needle.

Without a cable needle, slip next four stitches from left needle.  With left needle, reach behind the last two stitches and slide the first two stitches back onto the left needle.  Then grab the last two stitches and place them back on the left needle, knit all four stitches

To make the left slanting cable:
Slip next two stitches to cable needle and hold in front of the work.  Knit two from left needle, then knit two from cable needle.

Without a cable needle, slip next four stitches from left needle.  With left needle, reach in front of the last two stitches and slide the first two stitches back onto the left needle.  Then grab the last two stitches and place them back on the left needle, knit all four stitches.

Below directions are for the cable itself.  Add however many extra edge/background stitches you like for your project.

C2R = Make a right slanting cable
C2L = Make a left slanting cable

Row 1: (RS) C2R, YO, SSK, C2L
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: Purl
Row 5: C2R, K2tog, YO, C2L
Rows 6, 7, 8: Repeat Rows 2, 3, and 4 

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.  

I hope you all like my stitch.  Here is the video (in which my little helper was very involved today).  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Raindrop Lace

Sample knit with Patons Lace on Kollage US 7 square needles

The edges of this fabric curl inward, because this is really a stockinette stitch.  You may want to add some extra stitches for each side to help it lay flat, depending on what you knit.

Cast on a multiple of 6+5

  • Row 1 (RS): P5 *YO, P2tog, P4*
  • Rows 2, 4 and 6: K5 *P1, K5*
  • Rows 3 and 5: P5 *K1, P5*
  • Row 7: P2, YO, P2tog *P4, YO, P2tog*, end P1
  • Rows 8, 10 and 12: K2, P1 *K5, P1*, end K2
  • Rows 9 and 11: P2, K1 *P5, K1*, end P2
Repeat these twelve rows for the pattern.  Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bluebell Rib

Sample knit with Mulberry Merino yarn on US Size 6 addi Turbos

Time for more ribbing!  This is a super quick and easy stitch.  The sides are a little curly/sloppy, so I personally would add extra stitches on each side to neaten things up.

Multiple of 5 + 2

Rows 1 and 3: (RS) P2 *K3, P2*
Rows 2, 4 and 6: K2 *P3, K2*
Row 5: P2 *YO, Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO, YO, P2*

Repeat these six rows for the pattern.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hyacinth Stitch

Sample knit with worsted weight yarn on US 10.5 needles, Knitter's Pride Cubics

I so love this stitch!  While I wouldn't say it is hard, it is a little tricky - purling 5 together!  You can make this part a bit easier by working the preceding rows a bit more loosely than you normally would, use needles with pointy tips, give the stitches a little wiggle once the needle is through them, and use a wool yarn.  Wool has a bit of spring to it, and will give slightly as you knit.  You can use any yarn you like of course, but wool can be a tad easier to manipulate 5 stitches at a time.  This stitch also has super sloppy sides.  I would recommend adding several stitches along the sides for a border to neaten it up.  The bottom makes a pretty edge as you can see in the picture.  

Cast on a multiple of 6 + 2

Row 1 (WS): K1  *P5tog, (K1, P1, K1, P1, K1) into next stitch* end K1
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1 *(K1, P1, K1, P1, K1) into next stitch, P5tog* end K1
Row 4: Purl
Row 5: Knit all stitches, wrapping yarn around needle 3 times for each stitch
Row 6: Purl all stitches, dropping the extra wraps

Repeat these six rows for the pattern

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tight Lattice Stitch

I saw this sweater in the store last week, and really liked the stitch on the panel down the front.  After only a short search, I found what I believe is the stitch.

This is a fairly simple stitch, but does require some concentration (at least for me it does), because of all of the twisted/crossed stitches.

The way I found this written was very confusing to me, and I had to try several times before I got the hang of it.

For the sake of simplicity, I am just going to refer to the method as "T2F - Twist 2 front" and "T2B - Twist 2 back".  I think I say cross several times in the video, but cross and twist are done the same way.

You can use a cable needle if that is how you feel most comfortable; I do not use one in the video.  It is just too much fuss to cross only one stitch over the other.  Again, do whatever is most comfortable for you.  I know  a lot of times as knitters, if the stitch is not on the needle, there is often panic.  However, as you will see in the video, no stitch is dropped or unraveled.  If you have never crossed/twisted/cabled without a cable needle, I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and give it  a try.

On the right side rows, the front twisted stitches are P1, K1
On the right side rows, the back twist stitches are K1, P1

On wrong side rows, the twisted stitches are both purled

T2F = Twist 2 front

  • With a cable needle: Slip next stitch to cable needle and hold in front of work. Purl next stitch from left needle, knit stitch from cable needle.
  • Without a cable needle: Slip next two stitches from left needle.  With tip of left needle, reach in front of second stitch, grab first stitch and place on left needle.  Then, replace the second stitch on left needle.  The two stitches have switched position on the left needle.  Stitch 2 becomes stitch 1, and stitch 1 becomes stitch 2. Purl 1, Knit 1.

T2B = Twist 2 back

  • With a cable needle: Slip next stitch to cable needle and hold in back of work.  Knit next stitch from left needle, purl stitch from cable needle.
  • Without a cable needle: Slip next two stitches from left needle.  With tip of left needle, reach in back of second stitch, grab first stitch and place on left needle.  Then, replace the second stitch on the left needle.  Again, the two stitches have swapped positions. Knit 1, Purl 1.

For wrong side rows, twist either front or back as instructed, then PURL both of the twisted stitches.

Sample knit with Cascade 220 on US Size 6 addi needles

Cast on a multiple of 4 + 6

Row 1 (RS): P1 *T2F, T2B* P1
Row 2: K2 *T2B, K2*
Row 3: P1 *T2B, T2F* P1
Row 4: K1, P1, K2 *T2F, K2*, end last two stitches P1, K1

Repeat these four rows for the pattern

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Speckled Rib

Sample knit with Lily Sugar'nCream Cotton on US Size 9 needles.  This is what the front of the fabric looks like.        
This is what the back of the fabric looks like.

This is a super simple stitch.  With only two rows, it is also easy to remember.  I personally would add a few more stitches to neaten up the sides, maybe plain garter or seed stitch.

Multiple of 5 + 2

Row 1: P2 *K3, P2*
Row 2: K2 *P1, K1, P1, K2*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Knotted Cable Panel

Sample knit with Patons Classic Wool Roving Yarn, US Size 8 addi Turbo Needles

This beautiful cable is quick and simple to knit.  In my sample, I did a 10 stitch cable, and added 8 extra stitches - two garter stitches for a border on each side, and two more along each side of the cable for a reverse stocking stitch background.  While you certainly are not required to use reverse stockinette as a background for your cable, it really does help the cable pop out.  You can do seed stitch as a background, for instance.  And, depending on how you use the panel, may or may not need to add a border.

In the video, I live dangerously and cable without a cable needle.  If you are new to cables, you may not want to do it this way - it is perfectly fine to use a cable needle.   If you have knit cables before, and feel comfortable without the cable needle, try it.  I think this is a perfect cable to do without the extra fuss of a cable needle.

Abbreviations in this pattern:
C4F = Slip next two stitches to cable needle, hold in front.  Knit two stitches from left needle, then knit the two stitches from the cable needle (cable 4 front)

C4B = Slip the next two stitches to cable needle, hold in back.  Knit two stitches from the left needle, then knit the two stitches from the cable needle  (cable 4 back)

Cable is worked on a multiple of 4 + 6

Row 1 (RS): K2 *C4F*
Row 2 and 4: Purl
Row 3: *C4B*, end K2

Repeat these four rows until the cable is as long as you like.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Starlight Lace

Sample knit with Claudia Hand Painted Yarns on Knitter's Price Cubics, Size 6 

In celebration of my going on vacation, I am posting the new stitch early, because I won't be able to post over the weekend as normal.

This is a beautiful stitch that looks more complicated than it really is.  It seems long with 16 rows, but every other row is just a plain purl row, so it probably won't take you as long to get through as you may think.  

There is some curl to the sides of this stitch, so you may want to consider a border.  Also, blocking is recommended, as it will open up the stitches (so a blockable fiber is recommended).  Below is a picture of the stitch unblocked (on top) and the part on the bottom, I didn't properly block it, just wet the sample and laid it on the counter to dry over night.  You get the idea though!

Here is the video, and below that printable instructions, both written and charted.  On the chart, wrong side rows are not shown, only right side rows.  Read the chart from right to left.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Twice-Turned Stitch

Sample knit with Lighthouse Waves on US Size 9 needles

(Click HERE for the ribbing version of this stitch)

I can just imagine cuddling up on a cold winter evening with a blanket made using this stich, or even just having a cozy cowl or shawl in this stitch.  It creates a thick, fluffy fabric that says "cuddle", at least to me!  This stitch would also make a great coat or jacket, if you are so inclined to knit such a large item.  And it is super easy to do too, and only a four row repeat.

The edges do curl, so adding a few more stitches to the sides for a border, and maybe a few rows in garter stitch at the beginning and end will help it lay flat.

The one slightly tricky part is probably the slip as if to purl through the back loop.  If you haven't done it before, don't worry.  It is not hard to do, and with a little practice, you should have no problem.

wyib = with yarn held in back of the work
wyif = with yarn held in front of the work
sl = slip
ktbl = knit through the back loop

Cast on any odd number

Row 1: (WS)  Purl
Row 2: K1 *wyib, insert right needle from left into back loop of next stitch (as if to purl through back loop) and slip, K1*
Row 3: P1 *sl1 wyif, P1*
Row 4: K1 *ktbl, K1*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Handsome Lace Border- Vintage Stitch Series

Sample knit with Patons Lace on US Size 4 needles
I thought it was time for another vintage stitch!  This one comes from the NY Daily Tribune, Sunday July 4, 1880.

As with a lot of the vintage patterns, we will be working with multiple yarn overs - meaning, in almost every row, you will be wrapping the yarn over twice.  Each of the wraps will be treated as separate stitches on the following rows.

Here is the video, and below are both written and charted instructions for those who prefer either or.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

A Handsome Lace Border to Knit">

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Honeycomb Tweed

Sample knit with Patons Grace Cotton Yarn on US Size 6 needles

A pretty two color stitch that is easy to do.  You needn't be too worried about having to carry the non working yarn up the side, since you are only doing two rows with each color.  When you are ready to change colors, simply pick up the color you need and drop the other.  I like to wrap the non working yarn around a finger on my right hand to keep some tension on the first stitch of the color change row.  

With Color A, cast on an Odd number of stitches.

Row 1: (RS) With Color B, K1 *Sl 1 wyib, K1*
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: With Color A, K2 *Sl 1 wyib, K1* Knit last two stitches
Row 4: Purl

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bell Rib Cable

Sample knit with Patons Classic Wool  on US Size  9 (the yarn was dyed by me, you won't find this color in the store)

If you like cables and ribbing, then this stitch is for you.  This stitch makes the fabric pull inward so much that the pattern can't be seen well.  This stitch is best knit with a natural fiber yarn, such as wool, and then blocked to open up the pattern.

Cast on a multiple of 4 + 2

Rows 1, 3, and 5 (WS): P2 *K2, P2*
Rows 2 and 4: K2 *P2, K2*
Row 6: K1 *Sl next stitch to cable or dpn and hold in front, P1.  Skip the next stitch on the left needle, and knit into the second stitch, passing it over the skipped stitch.  Knit the stitch on the cable or dpn.  Purl the skipped stitch* K1
Rows 7, 9, and 11: K2 *P2, K2*
Rows 8 and 10: P2 *K2, P2*
Row 12: K1, Skip next stitch, Knit second stitch and pass it over the skipped stitch, Purl skipped stitch.  Now, repeat from * in Row 6.  End this row (last three stitches) : Sl 1 to cable or dpn and hold in front, P1, K1 from cable or dpn, K1

Repeat these twelve rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Horseshoe Lace

Sample knit with Patons Grace on US Size  6 needles

This pattern is easier than it looks, and creates a nice cast on edge, as you can see.

Cast on a multiple of 10 +1

Rows 1 and 3: (WS) Purl
Row 2: K1 *YO, K3, Sl 1-K2tog-PSSO, K3, YO, K1*
Row 4: P1 *K1, YO, K2, Sl 1-K2tog-PSSO, K2, YO, K1, P1*
Rows 5 and 7: K1 *P9, K1*
Row 6: P1 *K2, YO, K1, Sl 1-K2tog-PSSO, K1, YO, K2, P1*
Row 8: P1 *K3, YO, Sl 1-K2tog-PSSO, YO, K3, P1*

Repeat these eight rows for the pattern.

Here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Double Mock Rib

Sample knit with Butterfly Cotton on US Size 6 needles
This is the back of the fabric

This is a really simple, easy to remember pattern.  I would consider this a 'reversible' stitch, because the back of the fabric looks very nice.  

Cast on a multiple of 4 + 2

Row 1: (WS)  K2 *P2, K2*
Row 2: P2 *With yarn in front, Slip 2 purlwise, P2*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern

And here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Blanket Moss Stitch

Sample knit with Peaches & Creme on US Size 6 needles

I can just see a bathroom rug with lots of fringe knit with this stitch!  

Cast on any multiple of 2+1

Row 1: (RS) Knit into the front and back of each stitch
Row 2: K2tog * P2tog, K2tog*
Row 3: Knit into the front and back of each stitch
Row 4: P2tog *K2tog, P2tog*

Repeat these four rows for the pattern.

And here is the video.  Happy Knitting, and Enjoy!